Monday, March 28, 2011

Are Smartphones Winning the Hotel Check-In Debate?


We all know that technology plays a major role in our society today & the advance of technology will always continue to grow. Most people nowadays owns a smartphone which have great features & it comes well in handy. In this article, the main focus was on phone apps for your smartphone in which correlates into the hospitality industry. When many people check-in at their destination hotel, there is a possibility that there will be a long line waiting to check-in. Many people are ready to check-in & head to their rooms as soon as they can due to the length of their travels. Now the author, Gustaaf Schrils, VP of IHG, mentioned about the debate on using apps to improve the speed of "check-ins." Apparently, smartphone apps seem to be a great opportunity to enhance the speed. It was stated that "apps are important links to customer service & support.." & most travelers can agree.

Since there are many apps created, the debate with having a check-in/check-out app for the hotel industry may be a smart ideal which benefit hotels & customers. For example, InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) recently conducted a real world application called OpenWays in which was basically an app so when a guest check-in, all you do is register on the phone & once you arrive to your hotel, you place a certain call & put the phone to the door just to open it. It seem so advance & that is the ideal/debate dealing with smartphone apps. It is all about improving & creating a simple, easy & fast lifestyle for travelers in the hotel industry. Maybe in a few years we will start hearing & seeing more about the advance within smartphone apps being used for check-in & check-out instead of using kiosks.


Being that I am an employee at a hotel & I realize how long the lines can form for checking-in, it become a hassle. Also, I am not a fan of having guests wait too long because it draws complaints or dissatisfaction. Therefore, reading this article gave me a good aspect to look forward to seeing what technology features will be presented in the future of the hospitality industry. The article was a debate about creating smartphone apps for check-in/check-out at hotels. Even though many hotels have kiosks, but the advance of technology (smartphones) can be effective for when checking-in at a hotel. I feel that there are many great applications on my iPhone, so why not have an app for checking in-&-out? I feel that this technology improvement will make things simple, easier & faster.

For example, in the article, InterContentinal Hotels Group, recently conducted a real world application called OpenWays which was basically the first mobile-based front desk bypass solution. If a guest wanted to register for a hotel, normally, you can just call up the hotel or do it online; however, OpenWays look further into improving that type of method. All you would do is call or register online, then give the system your number. Once that is complete, you will receive a text message with your room information. Upon arrival, you do not have to worry about going to the front desk agent, so all you do is head to your room, call a special toll-free number & when it validates the guests' information, you place the phone to the door lock to enter your room. This seem so effective & easy in which I would not mind using an app like that. However, the ideal may have a negative aspect toward people who do not own smartphones. Also, it can be a security issue for the hotel industry, if you are not aware who is checking in-&-out of the hotel. All in general, I like the ideal & also look forward to smartphone apps dealing with checking in-&-out in the hospitality industry, but I'm also prepared for down side to this ideal.

Schrils, Gustaaf. Hospitality Technology. (2011, March 15). Are Smartphones Winning the Hotel Check-In Debate?. Retrieved March 14, 2011, from Hospitality Technology:

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Luxury Hotels Rent Rooms By The Hour


If you're looking forward to spending a few hours in any upscale hotel on any special day, the title of this article will spark your interest because it sure sparked my interest. As I read this article by Kitty Yancey, she basically spoke on how upscale hotels are looking forward to renting out their rooms by the hour for a lesser amount than their actual price for one night. Some upscale hotel industries are looking forward to making their rooms convenient for not just lovers, but also business people, shoppers or people who are waiting for a late plane. Even though upscale hotels rooms are still a bit expensive, but half of the price is not a bad deal. Everyone would love the experience of a luxury hotel.

Later in this article, it shift into the subject "love hotels" in which are hotels that are romantically decorated & made for certain guest who look forward to have a lovely, romantic day/night. "Love hotels" are commonly popular in Japan. Now it was mention that many young people live with their parents, which a love-hotel can be a good ideal for them to get away & spend some romantic time with their significant other. This is really a good ideal in which love hotels would include a discreet reception desk where you don't have to show your face. Therefore you get all the privacy needed. I feel that many hotels will begin promoting love hotels & it may work worldwide for the hotel industries


Just by reading the title of this article, grasp my attention. I am a big fan of finding out about staying in luxury hotels. For example, walking down South Beach-Miami, Florida, my friends & I decided to stop by an upscale hotel called The Setai. Even though the outside appearance of this hotel was not that appealing but once I got a small tour of the hotel, I fell in love. This was one of a kind, luxury hotel you don't see everyday. From the front-of-the-house settings to the rooms, it was a very comfortable place. Therefore, I proceed to ask about the price. From what the front desk agent told me, it was $800 a night. I was surprise. Now from reading this article, I would love for this ideal of renting rooms by the hour to be effective for The Setai Hotel. I would not mind renting out any upscale hotel. Just renting a nice, luxury room for a special day with that significant other, can be romantic and fun to my prospective.

Now about the "love hotel," I actually like the ideal which fall in subject with renting luxury rooms by the hour. Its very catchy & romantic for the lovers who like to impress their significant other to a nice place in a good atmosphere. I feel like this ideal will grow in the future & many hotels will promote "love hotels" & let guest rent rooms for that. I know whenever I own my hotel, I would not mind investing in to putting something like that in my industry

Yancey, Kitty. USA TODAY. (2011, March 3). Luxury Hotels Rent Rooms By The Hour. Posted March 3, 2011, from USA TODAY:

What's The Secret To A Speedy Drive-Thru?


Due to the fact that sometime, I prefer waiting in a drive-thru line than getting out of the car & walking in any fast-food restaurant, I found this article interesting to read. It pretty much gave the basic key factors on making every customer's drive-thru experience a positive, fast one. In this article, Keith Solomon, who is the owner of NEF#1 LLC/Popeyes, who came up with an ideal to make drive-thru experiences more profitable & faster. Therefore, he came up with a challenge for many drive-thru businesses to see which restaurant are able to assist customer's the fastest through their drive-thru. Now that meant for these businesses, fastest time, fewer mistakes. However, the challenge/contest was to last four consecutive weeks, in which at the end of those weeks, the manager of that restaurant would win a cash price as well as the employees. It was not much but it gave a drive to the employees to do a great job & assist their customers as quickly & helpful as possible. At the end of the challenge, the main factor that made the "secret" to a speedy drive-thru, was on how the technologies worked for these restaurants (less mistakes made, better & quicker service) & also the employees (better, dedicated staff, great service).


I actually admire on what this article spoke about due to the fact that I related to my daily experience in drive-thru & also my work ethic. The Popeyes owner gave his franchisees a challenge for their restaurant to see which drive-thru works the fastest. Once that was determine, a good cash reward was giving out to the manager & the employees. This form of reward gave the company more dedication to achieve their owner's goal & as well please the customers who come through drive-thru. I know I have good & bad experiences with drive-thru. I sure hate slow drive-thru; therefore, the quicker I'm in a drive-thru, the better it is. I would always come back to that restaurant if the drive-thru work within my need. In addition to that, I also related this article to my hotel job. The quicker we are able to check-in a guest on a busy day/night, the easier things may function and the guests are able to be patient since the check-in process will not take that long. Everything works well when customers are satisfied & employees put the effort to make sure the customer stay satisfied.

Solomon, Keith. Hospitality Technology. (2011, March 3). What's the Secret to a Speedy Drive-thru?. Posted March 1, 2011, from